Menu Plan Monday

I apologize for the lack of posts last week. It was fun having my sister visit, but I had forgotten how busy 19 year olds like to be.  I tried hard to find things to do that she would like.  Unfortunately, because of this we ate at restaurants a few too many times.  I did discover how much I like The Cheesecake Factory.  It was really good and something I do not do everyday.  The week went really fast and I was sad to see her leave.  So I guess I must get back to real life and a menu plan is a must.  So here's what is planned for this week:

Monday: California Chowder
Tuesday: Cheese Cracker Ranch Chicken
Wednesday: Tacos
Thursday: Picnic Night
Friday: Pasta Roll-Ups
Saturday: Another travel day for a Cross Country Meet.
Sunday: Oven Baked Stew (My goal is to finally make this.)
I do have a few recipes that I made last week that I am excited to share.

See what others are having this week at The Organizing Junkie.
